Ben & Jerry's werden rijk door de verkoop van hun ideeel begonnen ijshandeltje. In Occupy zien ze zichzelf terug. Inmiddels maken ze dan ook plannen met mensen uit de Occupy-beweging.

Het eerste commentaar op het aanstekelijke interview van Cohen met Fastcoexist liegt er niet om: Ben en Jerry zijn rijk geworden en hebben niets met Occupy te maken.

Ben Cohen in antwoord op Fastcoexit:

When you and Jerry first came down to see Occupy Wall Street, what the was first thing you thought of in terms of how you could contribute?

The first thing we thought of was: We could scoop ice cream. And we’ve done that. We’ve been down there probably three times for a couple of days each. And now I’m starting to work with some of the folks at Occupy Wall Street on future plans and how to deal with ecological issues a business support group.

I’ve been talking with the food group about if I could provide them with some sort of vehicle to transport food around, because they’d like to feed people out in the community in addition to feeding people at Zuccotti Park.

Gekke vraag misschien: is Occupy van gisteren of zijn Ben & Jerry's van vandaag?

Fotocredits: Fastcoexit
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