The end of the era of cheap food and fuel has concentrated minds on food security. Between 1965 and 1980, the green revolution increased crop yields two to three-fold and transcended differences in soils and climate. For a generation, global food production was carried ahead of the population curve; food prices dropped and remained low; and political attention turned away from land, food and agriculture - until the food price spike of 2007/8 and the following price volatility.

The green revolution depended on cheap fuel and derivative fertilizer and pesticides applied to new, responsive crop varieties, and on the extension of irrigation. Fuel and fertilizer are no longer cheap; water resources are over-committed and rising demand from cities means less water will be available for irrigation. Crop yields have levelled off – in several areas they are declining. But burgeoning demand means that, by 2050, food production will need to be 70 per cent greater than now – and double in developing countries. This greater production will have to come from the same land and water resources or, if present trends continue, significantly less. On top of historical land degradation going back 10 000 years in long-settled regions, the last quarter century has witnessed degradation of one quarter of the land surface - one third of forests, one quarter of the arable; and tracts of the best farmland are being lost every year to cities and connecting infrastructure.

Since the 1960s, the structure of agriculture and rural communities has changed profoundly. Crop rotations were simplified: perennial legumes were replaced by cheap nitrogen from mineral fertilizers, and wide spectrum fungicides and herbicides enabled second and third consecutive cereal crops to be grown before introducing a break crop. Mixed farming declined with a separation of arable and animal husbandry. Mechanization enabled more production with fewer and fewer people. The downward pressure on farm-gate prices and the increasing capital costs of modern equipment brought about a steady loss of small and medium-sized family farms; successful commercial farms were greatly enlarged. Knowledge of the land, skills, and locally adapted crop and animal breeds were extinguished.

The resulting environmental and social problems have become more and more acute. In the first place, neglect of crop rotation and of the importance of soil fertility have brought about stagnation or, even, decline of yields for most crops. Soil health and quality depend on soil biodiversity – microorganisms and microscopic animals as well as the familiar earthworm that maintain soil permeability, resilience against erosion, recycle wastes into plant nutrients and maintain a balance with pathogens. But no modern farming system is maintaining the soil organic matter that fuels soil biodiversity. A significant deterioration of soil quality has been compensated by increased inputs of mineral fertilizer - from both the energy and economic points of view, food production is becoming more expensive.
Ten key points from long-term field experiments

The economic losses of abandoning crop rotation were underestimated during the era of cheap mineral fertilizers, quite apart from the negative effects on the environment and human health.
Data from the long-term field experiments on Typical chernozem soil at Selectia Research Institute of Field Crops, at Balti in Moldova, demonstrate real possibilities for improving soil health, cutting expenses and maintaining the highest crop yields by respecting crop rotation.

1. Comparing the performance of continuous monoculture with crop rotations, mineral and organic fertilizers increase the yields of continuous monocultures much more than the same fertilizer applied to crop rotations (Tables 1, 3, 4 and 5). This is because the root systems of continuous cultures have only a weak capacity of to access water and nutrients, compared with those of crops grown in rotation. As a corollary, the effect of crop rotation is greater on unfertilized than on fertilized plots.

2. Fertilizer reduces the effect of rotation but doesn’t replace it. Even on fertilized plots, the effect of crop rotation(1) is significantly greater than the influence of fertilizers for all crops except maize.

3. In the case of winter wheat sown after a late-harvested predecessor, the positive influence of fertilization is equal to yield loss incurred by late sowing as opposed to sowing early (Table 2). It is cheaper to respect crop rotation than to compensate for its absence with extra fertilizer.

4. The greater the diversity of crops in a crop rotation, the higher yields of individual crops and the greater the effect of crop rotation (Table 6).

5. On unfertilized plots, the yield is created entirely from soil fertility; on fertilized plots, the yield is generated from both from soil fertility and from fertilizers. In crop rotations, the contribution of soil fertility to yield formation on fertilized plots is very high for winter wheat, sunflower and maize (92-93%) but lower for sugar beet (69%). The contribution of soil fertility to yield formation is significantly lower in continuous cultures: 54-56% for winter wheat and maize; 91% for sunflower (which hardly reacts either to rotation and fertilization); and only 3% for sugar beet (Table 7).

So, fertilizer is more effective in continuous cultures than in crop rotation. The corollary is that, by respecting crop rotation, it is possible to cut the dependence upon mineral fertilizers. Returning perennial legumes to crop rotations replaces the nitrogen from mineral fertilizers by nitrogen from biological fixation. There are further benefits from the exploitation of deep-seated water and nutrients, and from the enrichment of the soil with organic matter.

6. Crop rotations arrest the infestation of disease, pests and weeds. This means that it is possible to reduce the application of pesticides which have a negative influence on biodiversity and water quality.

7. Crop rotations are more-efficient water harvesters than continuous cultures; they drought-proof the farming system.

8. Soil organic matter is an integral index of soil fertility. Crop rotation alone doesn’t compensate for the annual losses of soil organic matter, even with 30 per cent of perennial legumes and 4 tonne/ha of farmyard manure (Tables 8, 11). More farmyard manure is needed. Maintenance and restoration of soil organic matter, efficient recycling of nutrients and reduction of the dependence on off-farm inputs requires integration of crop and animal husbandry. Importantly, animal husbandry provides a financial return on legumes and grass, compensating for what would otherwise be a loss of income from the cash crops forsaken.

9. Mineral and organic fertilizers influence the yield of crops and soil fertility in different ways. Both increase the yield of crops and the productivity of the whole crop rotation (Table 9). Organic fertilizers are not inferior to mineral fertilizer in respect of their benefit to crop yields and the productivity of the whole crop rotation but reliance on mineral fertilizers reduces the stocks of soil organic carbon throughout the soil profile - to a depth of 1 metre or more. By contrast, organic fertilizers like farmyard manure increase the stocks of soil carbon, especially in the deeper soil layers. All systems of fertilization deplete stocks of total nitrogen, but the negative influence of mineral fertilizers is significantly higher than that of farmyard manure or a mixture of both.

10. Polyfactorial trials involving 7-field rotations with and without perennial legumes, with and without ploughing, with various combinations of farmyard manure and NPK fertilizer and without fertilizer (Table 11) demonstrate that farming practices drive the accumulation or decline of soil organic matter. Soil organic matter status can be raised by crop rotations that include perennial legumes and enough farmyard manure, especially under minimum tillage. Crop yields have responded positively to this increase on soil organic matter. Growing perennial legumes is significant both in increasing soil organic matter and in reducing dependence on artificial fertilizers(2).

Table 1

Table 2

Table 3

Table 4

Table 5

Table 6

Table 7

Table 8

Table 9

Table 10

Table 11

(1) The effect of crop rotation is the difference between yields in crop rotation and in continuous cultivation of the same crop, both on fertilized and unfertilized plots.
(2) A comparable picture emerges from systematic studies of the influence of agricultural management on soil organic carbon in Canada. Carbon storage increased in their black earths under no-till systems; under reduced summer fallow, and in crop rotations that include grasses and perennial legumes, ploughing-in green manures, and applying fertilizers. The 20-year average soil-organic-carbon-gain factors derived from field experiments and modelling were: 0.1-0.14 tonne/ha/year for no-till, 0.3 tonne/ha/year for decreasing bare fallow, and 0.55-0.56 tonneC/ha/yr for introduction of perennials into the rotation.

Fotocredits: conbon33, China
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