Debate on Sustainable Agriculture and Food Production (in English)

Recently Aalt Dijkhuizen made some remarkable statements about the intensification of agriculture as the only viable option to feed the growing world population in the future. Following this, a group of WUR students organized a students demonstration in Forum to protest against Dijkhuizen's claims and the way he represented a pluriform institution the way he did.

As a follow-up a debate will be organized to inform students and the public about the pluriformity of approaches to agricultural development that Wageningen UR embraces. Experts from all five domains of Wageningen UR are invited to participate. The debate aims to further the academic discussion about the future directions in agricultural development and food production and to discuss the role of Wageningen UR in the public debate.

With participation of: Martin Kropff, Aalt Dijkhuizen, Edith Lammerts van Bueren, Lijbert Brussaard and others.

More information: here
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